Highlights : part four

” I can do this, I can do this ” I heard Anna whisper to me, half out of breathe while i man-handled her and her bike in the Aussie infield pit area of the London Olympic Games Velodrome. It was September 8th, 2012, some 90 seconds earlier she had crossed the finish line to … More Highlights : part four

The Big Freeze

I cried this last week and again yesterday. These episodes weren’t  born out of sadness,  quite the contrary, a mixed emotional response,  sort of happiness and humility. Motor Neuron Disease is all consuming, it’s debilitating physically and it tries to fuck with your emotions as well, so when I saw Neale Danaher on a midweek … More The Big Freeze

9 Months

It’s been nine months sincte my MND diagnosis and the changes to my life and those closest to me have been devastating to the point where it is difficult to keep abreast of the speed of the physical and emotional change. As if it wasn’t enough to attack the victim,  it threatens relationships of  loved … More 9 Months


I have always loved having good robust conversation particularly when I felt comfortable with family, friends and colleagues or when the topic was of interest,  but now with a greater perspective I confess to being a poor listener and perhaps way too opinionated, I often would dive into a discussion too quickly which I guess … More Silence

Hope and Reality

What a couple of days. It started with a text message from Neale Daniher on Friday night alerting me to some big announcements relating research grants and the Cure for MND Foundation. Neale and Dr Ian Davis head up the foundation which raises millions of dollars to enable the fight to find a cure for … More Hope and Reality


Over the last 12 months I’ve spent a massive amount of time in doctors and specialist waiting rooms and i guess anyone with a serious disease would confirm, but I want to recognise an amazing group who assist me to maintain hope every single day. The nurses at the oncology unit where i receive my … More Amazing